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E1 Managing Finance in a Digital World

E1 Managing Finance in a Digital World

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E1 focuses on the role of accountants within an organisation and how technology is central to their activities. It provides the understanding of the business environment and the importance of organisations creating and preserving value. Following on from this, the activities of finance professionals is explained. These activities include collecting data to provide insights for decision makers, communicating these insights and supporting the decisions that result from it. The key digital technologies and their uses are covered, as well as how they affect the finance function. Data is of great importance to many organisations and the exam covers how it can be used to create and preserve value. Finally, the structure of the finance function and how it has evolved over time is explained, followed by how the finance function interacts with other business functions.

Syllabus areas:
A Role of the finance function
B Technology in a Digital World
C Data and Information in a Digital World
D Shape and structure of the finance function
E Finance Interacting with the Organisation
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