
Quality materials for every stage of learning

Our materials are written by experienced professionals skilled in presenting information which inspires and makes it easier for you to learn.

BPP has partnered with Vitalsource to offer you a richer & more interactive eBook experience.

Information for Students

Contact Information

We aim to respond to queries within 2 UK working days
(Monday-Friday, 8.00am - 6.00pm, excluding UK bank holidays)

Please include an order number with your query.

Webform: Contact us using this form

Telephone: 03300 602100

Delivery Information

Someone must be available to sign for delivery at the delivery address you provide. Failure to do so may delay your delivery or result in materials being returned to BPP Learning Media.

All international deliveries require a local telephone contact number for courier purposes.

Delivery times

For orders placed before 12:00pm on a working day (Monday to Friday, not including UK bank holidays), we estimate delivery to be made in the following time frames from when you receive your order confirmation:

United Kingdom: 5-7 working days

Europe: 6-8 working days

Rest of the World: 8-10 working days

Delivery charges

United Kingdom: £7.00 to all mainland addresses

International: varies according to weight of consignment and delivery location and will be calculated at checkout. 

About eBooks

With an intuitive interface, seamless access to your content and a personalised reading experience, BPP Learning Media eBooks are ideal for
students and their study needs.

Your eBook can be accessed on multiple devices, syncing your bookmarks and updates, and enables you to ighlight and annotate the content using a range of editing tools.

Access more eBook information here


Click on the links below to download our latest catalogues.

BPP Learning Media Publications Catalogue (March 2025) (Excel)

ILM Catalogue


We work with a range of retailers and stockists worldwide to ensure you are able to access our printed study materials locally.

Access our most up to date list on the link below:

Retailers and Major Stockists (PDF)